Wednesday, April 14, 2010

3 Years!!

Yesterday we were so happy to celebrate 3 years since Joseph received his new heart. It is so hard to believe how quickly 3 years have come and gone. We have watched him grow and change and mature. He is still the same in so many ways...he loves to be silly and make us laugh, and he is such a sweet, sweet boy. He loves telling jokes! He's got a really good sense of humor. He has changed too...outgrowing his dinosaurs and "baby shows" as he now calls them.... :)

Medically speaking, we get labs drawn pretty regularly, but we don't have to go back for a heart cath. until August. Joseph still loves visiting his doctors and do we! What a great group of people that we are forever grateful to!

We also continue to be mindful of praying for the family of Joseph's heart donor. We know that every year we celebrate is another year and reminder of their loss. We pray God covers them in love and peace.

We are looking forward to the end of school and possibly going on a family vacation this year! Last year's plans got ruined due to a little thing called "rejection." We got through it, though, and are really excited about what this year has to offer!

I'd like to give you an update on Abby....she's in 5K and loving it. She has the best teacher in the world. :) She has lost 2 teeth! It was really funny on Easter because she got a visit from The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy in the same night. :) That was a fun surprise! She still sings her thoughts throughout the day to the top of her lungs and marches to the beat of her own drum! She cracks us up constantly...keeps us in stitches!

I would like to ask for special prayers for my mom. She has been diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer and will be facing surgery during the month of May. She has been through chemo and radiation to shrink the tumor. She became very ill near the end of March and spent 17 days in the hospital. She is out now and is receiving occupational and physical therapy. She needs to build up her strength to help her do well and recover after the tumor is removed. My mom is the sweetest lady, and I have been so blessed to have her as a mother. It is so very hard to watch her not feeling so well. One thing about my mom is she looooooooves her grandbabies! She wants to be able to do all the things she used to do with them. I pray that this happens soon! My babies need her too! God is in control and we have witnessed his healing touch. There is NOTHING God cannot do.

That is about it for now...thank you for checking in. We always appreciate your prayers and support.

1 comment:

Jeannie (HAPPY HEART) said...

Angela-Just found your blog from Rebecca's(Annabelles blog). Wow! Your transplant journey sounds alot like ours. I received my new heart on Feb 3,2007. God has been soo good to our families. Your children are beautiful!! I know that you are filled with joy. God's richest blessings on your family.