Sunday, September 13, 2009

Joseph is heading to 3rd grade!

We made it Charleston for Joseph's biopsy. He had a really hard time taking the premeds before going into the cath lab. We are going to try something different next time. He's never had anxiety like this before! :(

But, the day ended on a very positive note. Amanda called Joseph's rejection episode "resolved." That was music to our ears! His heart pressures look great, his blood work was awesome, his rejection level is ZERO. The best news came for Joseph when they told him he could head back to school! :) He is so excited! We are packing his book bag as we speak! This will be the first day of school for him! We are going to get a haircut and last minute supplies that he needs. We are looking forward to this because he wants it so bad.

After the cath, we walked over to a research lab with Dr. Hsia. He introduced us to a team of Dr.s and scientists who have been doing research on cardiomyopathy. Joseph's very heart is in this research lab and many of them have been studying it. His story inspires them to keep the research going and why they are there. Their discoveries and developments could potentially benefit Joseph personally. Isn't that an amazing thought? They told us a little about some things they are working on right now that could make early detection of rejection a simple and promising thing! We are looking forward to hearing more about that.

Thank you for checking in on us. We are happy to be home and are looking forward to sharing some third grade stories with you!

Heart hugs,
Angela, Stephen, Joseph, and Abigail


Janis said...

Yay Joseph!!!

Hope he had an awesome first day! So happy to hear 0 rejection!

I am trying to remember...but I don't think we do any meds before our cath. They take Carson back (allowing Greg to go if Carson wants). Then they put the flavored mask on and talk to him until he fades off to sleep. They don't do his IV until he is asleep either. (Usually Greg is more anxious than Carson.)

We are so thankful for your happy news!

Take care, Janis Swart

Cathy Privette said...

So happy to hear the good news! Did Joseph enjoy his first day?
Hope to see youall soon!

Sharon said...

Hip hip hooray!

RHONDA said...

Praise God Angela!! Tell JoJo..we said hello..
Love to all of you guys!!!

kthierrien said...

Angela and Stephen,

It's great to hear the good news. I check in on y'all from time to time. The kids are beautiful! We REALLY should get together sometime. I think of you often!

Kim Thierrien

Florence said...

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