Rachel (our fabulous babysitter) spent some time with Joseph and Abby making a Gingerbread house. She had it all over her by the time they were finished. Abby is all about immediate gratification and wanted to chew it all up the minute it was complete! So far, it is still standing. The kids are out of school for Christmas and we're heading to our first Christmas celebration today! They are so excited!
Please continue to pray for our donor family. This must be such a hard time for their family. We are thinking of them and are so grateful for their gift to us. We're not taking a minute of our time with Jospeh for granted. He was so cute yesterday. He finally learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. He was so proud of himself. He was riding up and down our street! What a big boy he is becoming. He makes us so proud. His attitude toward life is certainly contagious! What a miracle he is.
We have two little boys who remain at the top of our prayer list:
Bayler Teal http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/baylerteal
Kole Miller http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/kolemiller
We know the feeling of fighting for your child's life...we pray for peace for them, hope, strength, and courage to fight the battles they are in.
Also, we have a little heart buddy who just received his new heart/gift of life a few weeks ago. He is out of the hospital and recovering nicely from his transplant. His name is Will Threadgill...could you pray for him as well? He's doing great, but we all know what a long road transplant recovery can be.
We wish you a merry Christmas!
Until next time...
Angela, Stephen, Joseph, and Abigail

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