Thursday, January 22, 2009

Snowy Day

We just can't believe it actually snowed! Joseph had a biopsy scheduled in Charleston on Tuesday morning. I wanted to stay home so my kids could see it snow. The last time we saw snow, Abby was only a few days old and we were living in Richmond, VA. If we stayed home and rescheduled our appt. it would probably just rain........if we went to Charleston, surely it would snow in Florence. The appt. had already been rescheduled twice, so...we decided to keep our appointment and get Joseph's cath done. My prediction was right! We went to Charleston and it snowed in Florence. So...we hurried home after Joseph's cath and our neighborhood was loaded with snow! We tried to take Dr.'s advice and "take it easy for the next couple of days", but the white stuff just kept calling! We bundled up and went out to play in the snow! Abby and Joseph had a wonderful time! They each built their own snowman and Joseph had to make a snow angel! Joseph also put an MUSC cap on his snowman in honor of his buddies there. The icing on the cake was that Joseph got an excellent report from Dr. Ringewald! He is scheduled to come back in 3 months......that will be Joseph's birthday and his 2nd anniversary with his new heart! That just amazes us. Where has the time gone? We have enjoyed this time with him, that is for sure.

Speaking of icing and cakes...Abby turned 5 years old on Jan. 19th! She had a tinkerbell party and had a big time celebrating with her family and friends. It's just so hard to believe she's 5 now! It was bittersweet for her mommy and daddy! She got her first bicycle. Thanks for checking in with us. Please keep us in your prayers, along with our donor family.
Until next time...
Angela, Stephen, Joseph, Abigail

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! We are so excited about 2009...lots to look forward to! Joseph is going to make his wish from the Make A Wish foundation. We will hopefully meet with them soon and let you know what his big wish is!
We have a change of plans for his biopsy that was scheduled for this Friday, Jan. 9th. He has a yucky winter cold so they have postponed his cath lab until Jan. 23rd. He missed a couple days of school but is back now and trying to beat this thing. Colds can be so miserable! Say some prayers that all is well with his precious new heart!

We hope this New Year brings you all the health and happiness you can stand! God bless!

Angela, Stephen, Joseph, and Abigail